Wine is a popular beverage throughout the year but it’s during the summer months that we start to get really creative when it comes to serving each glass. Whether you want to pamper yourself, your spouse, or you are planning on entertaining guests, here are some fun ways to serve wine.
One common concern when it comes to drinking wine in the summer is the fact that it can make you feel rather warm. Which is the opposite of what we all want in the warmer months. For this reason, most people tend to choose white wines and rose.
In addition to choosing the right, refreshing wine, it’s also good to consider serving spritzers. A wine spritzer is refreshing because you are blending wine with some soda and this helps lower the alcohol content. It’s the alcohol in the wine that tends to make you feel warm so, by ‘watering down’ each glass just a little bit, you will feel the refreshing difference. Not to mention the bubbles and lighter flavour of the wine!
Adding ice is great for chilling wine but sometimes you just don’t want to water down your wine Especially if you are serving a spritzer. So, instead of serving regular ice, why not pop some grapes and other fruit in the freezer instead? Even after they thaw out, the fruit will not dilute your drink. Your guests can choose to discard or eat the fruit once they are done with their glass.
Frosted glasses are also a popular trick. If you have space in your freezer, you should store some glasses for a few hours. Whenever you are done drinking a glass, give it a quick wash, put it in the freezer, and take another cold glass for your next drink!