Grapes are the perfect combination of crispy yet soft and succulent. Available in a number of varieties, some are cultivated for consumption and others for making wine. Usually, we wash the fruit and pluck them one by one to eat. If you are looking for something a bit more exciting, however, here are some other great ways to enjoy grapes.
During the warmer months, if you want a treat that will help you cool off, you can’t go wrong with frozen grapes! Simply pick them off the stems, wash thoroughly and freeze in a bag. They are an excellent substitute for ice cream and you can even use them to cool your drinks down instead of ice.
If you like slushies, you will need some seedless grapes, grape juice, and ice. Crush the ice and blend with the grapes and juice to make a delicious grape slushie! If you like, you can even add other fruits or berries to the mix for even more flavour and nutritional value.
Grapes can also be enjoyed as a roasted treat. Just toss them with some oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for about 30 minutes and enjoy! They are great as snacks or you can serve as a side item, in a salad, or as a topping for your favourite dessert.
Skewered fruit is fun, colourful, and delicious! When entertaining, you can make it easier for your guests to enjoy some fresh fruit by making some skewers. Simply alternate between different types of fruit like pineapple, melon, and grapes. It’s best to use fruits that are not affected by exposure to oxygen. For example, pear, apple, and banana tend to turn brown once cut. If you want to add any of these fruits, make sure that you soak them in some lemon water before skewering them.