If you are a cheese lover, proper cheese storage is important. When it comes to essential cheese tips, cheese freezing is an important point to address. When you buy a large amount of cheese, it’s important to freeze the extra cheese in time before it goes bad. Here’s what you need to know.

Change in texture

After freezing cheese, thawing will make it more crumbly in texture. This is why one of the most important cheese tips is that you should be prepared when freezing. You can always use thawed out cheese in cooked dishes and on foods like pizza where it will be melted.

Small batches

If you plan on freezing cheese, make sure that you do so in small batches. You don’t want to thaw out a large piece of cheese if you’re not planning on using it all. Of all the cheese tips, this is one of the easiest to remember. Consider how much cheddar and mozzarella you usually use when making pizza and make portions.

Thawing advice

When thawing frozen cheese, make sure that you don’t rush the process. It should be left in a dish overnight. Do not place it on your kitchen table. Instead, you should allow it to thaw in the fridge. Slow thawing helps preserve the flavour and texture.

Types of cheese

Finally, of all the cheese tips, don’t forget that all types of cheese are not suited for freezing. Harder types of cheese do better frozen than softer cheeses. Soft cheese has a higher liquid content which is why they don’t maintain their texture or flavour very well when frozen.

Keep these simple cheese tips in mind if you want to keep your cheese delicious even after thawing. If you don’t know how a particular type of cheese will do when frozen, you can always experiment with a small piece. Should it not come out as intended, you can always use it in food or a delicious cheese sauce.