There is nothing better than a fun and colourful luau in the beginning or middle of summer. It gives anyone with a floral shirt an excuse to put it on and strut your stuff! When planning this kind of theme-specific event, remember that there are certain foods that you’ll need to serve. Here are some fun and delicious ideas.
Fruit is an essential part of the menu so make sure that you have plenty of tasty tropical fruits. Pineapple is a popular tropical fruit and usually readily available too. Make your own fun fruit bowls by hollowing out a pineapple and filling it with your favourite berries. You could even use them instead of cocktail glasses if you like!
The ocean theme is strong at luaus which means that you can also use things like star-shaped cookie cutters to cut out various types of fruit. Star-shaped watermelon slices are just one fun example that will have everyone snacking – even the kids!
Grilled vegetable kebabs are colourful and delicious. Some great ingredients to use include peppers, onion, marrow, squash, and mushroom. You can also add colourful veggies in between pieces of chicken or beef if you like.
Don’t forget about fish! If you want to serve a delicious fish dish, you can serve shrimp cocktail. Perfectly cooked and cleaned shrimp need only be served on a platter with some dipping sauce for your guests to help themselves.
As for the décor, you can use tropical flowers and various types of fruits to spruce up your tables. Place whole pineapples in between the various dishes and use tropical flowers too. Just make sure that the flowers you use do not have any kind of toxic properties that could be dangerous if it comes in contact with the food.