Your anniversary is an important occasion that only comes around once a year. All the more reason to make the most of it! For many couples, their first few anniversaries are celebrated to the fullest. As time goes by and the couple settles into their routine, anniversaries are no longer celebrated with as much enthusiasm. Don’t let your partner or spouse feel forgotten on your anniversary. Here are some tips to make every anniversary unforgettable.
How to pamper your partner
The key to making any anniversary special is by starting off the day just right. There is nothing better than waking up to a fresh cup of coffee or tea. While your partner or spouse sips on their beverage of choice, you can prepare a delicious breakfast. You should know what their preferences are which makes it easy to plan a menu. Serve breakfast in bed and feel free to set some fresh flowers on the tray too.
Make sure they are surprised
During the weeks and days leading up to your anniversary, you should keep your plans a secret. Any shopping should be done as discretely as possible so that your partner has no idea what you have planned. Shopping online is great for this reason. You can shop online during your lunch break at work or you can do some sneaky shopping late at night once your partner is already asleep. Gift hampers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. This means that you can shop according to your partner’s preferences and your budget. Some examples include wine hampers, chocolate hampers, and pamper hampers. Pamper hampers actually tie in with the first point of pampering your partner. After enjoying breakfast, you can continue the pampering by presenting them with a hamper full of luxurious products that will make them feel wonderfully relaxed.
What about a picnic?
If you feel like a romantic picnic, you can choose between taking a trip to a scenic spot or you can have an indoor picnic at home if the weather isn’t all that great. Picnic style gift hampers are perfect for this romantic date. Instead of having to pack the basket yourself, you can simply order a picnic basket full of various delicious treats and drinks. Make sure that you check the contents of the picnic basket before making your purchase. This way, if there is something not included, you can buy it yourself. For example, if your partner has a particular favourite chocolate or beverage, you can add it to the basket just for them.