When you buy a fresh fruit hamper, you might choose to have it delivered to the recipient or you may prefer to make the hamper delivery yourself. If you want to deliver the gift yourself, you will need to make sure that you store and transport the hamper properly.
Firstly, the first thing that you will need to avoid is sunlight. Fresh fruit might enjoy sunlight while on the tree but this is not the case one the ripe fruit has been picked. Much like fresh flowers, fruit can also perish faster if you leave them in the sun.
No matter the season, fruit should always be kept at the right temperature. Extreme high or low temperatures are not good for the quality of the fruit. This is not limited to natural factors that influence temperature but also artificial like air conditioners, heaters, and fire places.
Humidity is also no help when you want to keep fruit fresh. Keep your fruit hamper on a table and do not press it up against any walls. If you notice any humidity or water droplets building up inside the hamper (if closed with plastic wrap), open the wrapping carefully to allow the condensation to evaporate.
Fruit hampers should also be kept out of reach of pets and children. The last thing you want is for somebody to nibble on the fruity gift! You might need to place the fruit hamper on a higher table or in a room that you can close.
When delivering the fruit hamper, you should make sure that you keep it out of the sun and wind. Place the hamper on the floor or in a crate so that there is no risk of it falling over and breaking or spilling. Finally, don’t forget, since the fruit is fresh, it’s important that you make the delivery promptly. You don’t want to store it for several days before delivering your delicious gift.