When you visit the local market and you see all that delicious fresh fruit, you might be inclined to buy too much. While fruit is a wonderfully natural and healthy treat, it does need to be consumed before it goes bad. When you see any fruit going bad, don’t toss it just yet. Here’s how you can put overripe fruit to good use.
Bananas last fairly long provided they are stored properly. When they start showing signs of degradation, you can enjoy them by making yourself a delicious smoothie! Banana bread is another great option and overripe bananas are perfect for this recipe since they are that much sweeter. Alternatively, you can chop the banana into small chunks and freeze it. Once frozen, blend the banana in your food processor and add almond milk and almond butter. Puree all these ingredients together for a delicious frozen treat! If you don’t want to eat the banana, you can still use it in the form of a face mask!
Berries tend to spoil rather quickly. So, if you notice that they are particularly rich in colour and about to go bad, move quickly to make some delicious popsicles or even jam if you prefer.
Lemons are great for so many recipes but if you have a large batch from the tree in your yard or if you simply need to put a few older lemons to good use, you can squeeze the juice into your ice trays. This will give those ice cubes a refreshing lemon twist! You can also use the rind to make your own potpourri which can be used in any room in your home. Of course, if you are like many people out there, and you hate the smell of your garbage disposal, you can use lemons to freshen it up. Simply chop one lemon into pieces and allow it to make its way down the unit for a fresher scent.
Fresh fruit need never go to waste. However, if you are too late and your fruit is beyond consumption, you can start your own compost heap! Birds will also frequent your garden more often if you toss fruit out for them to peck at. Even skins should be tossed in the garden rather than the trash. Why waste perfectly good fertilizer by sending it to the local dump? Think green and give back to nature instead!