Many wine experts agree that ice is not usually something you want to add to your glass. However, there are exceptions to this rule and there are a number of occasions where ice is certainly the way to go.
If you have ever “enjoyed” a glass of wine at an airport, you will know that it’s not particularly any good. Plus, it’s usually at least double the price of the wine you find at your local restaurants. Adding ice will help you stretch that glass up further and it will also ensure that you don’t consume too much alcohol before your flight.
During extreme heat, you might crave a glass of wine but you’re also looking for something refreshing. This is the perfect reason for adding a couple of blocks of ice to your glass. You don’t want to add too much or it will water your wine down.
When you desperately want a glass of wine but all you have is a cheap and rather unpleasant bottle, then it’s good to let the bottle breathe before adding some ice to your glass. These two steps will make the wine easier to tolerate.
If a recipe calls for wine and ice, then it’s perfectly acceptable to blend the two. Sangria is the perfect example of one such recipe. Similrly, house wine at your local bar or restaurant also calls for ice since it’s usually not of the highest quality.
Finally, if you simply prefer wine served with ice, then go for it! We all have our own preferences when it comes the types of wine we enjoy as well as how we prefer having it served. Hot wine, cold wine, and everything in between. As long as you enjoy your glass, that’s all that really matters!