Fruit is often referred to as the healthy and natural alternative to sweets and chocolates. Of course, as juicy and sweet as they are, many different types of fruit can turn regular savoury dishes into something far more extraordinary. Here are some great ideas for using fruit in savoury dishes.
Celery and apple salad
Crisp, delicious apples compliment fresh celery beautifully. Top your salad off with some toasted hazelnuts for added crunch, flavour, and nutrition. The colour contrast of the walnuts also make this salad even more visually appealing.
Roast beef and pear toasted sandwiches
Toasted sandwiches are as versatile as any comfort food can be. So the next time you feel like a delicious sweet and salty combo, try layering your next toasted treat with slices of pear, roast beef, and blue cheese. Toast to perfection and enjoy!
Pork and peaches
Meat tastes really great when accompanied by stone fruits like peaches. Prepare your pork by coating it with flour, egg, breadcrumbs, and your favourite spices. Set your cooked pork in the warming drawer of your oven while you chop your fruit and toss with mustard, salt, and parsley. For every 2 peaches, use 1 ½ Tbsp of mustard, ½ tsp salt, and 2 Tbsp chopped parsley. If you don’t have peaches, some alternatives include apricots, nectarines, and plums.
Duck and pineapple curry
Sweet and spicy work wonders together. Pineapple has just the right level of sweetness and the perfect texture to enhance the flavours of a spicy duck curry.
Feta, olive, and strawberry salad
Chop up some pickled feta, Cerignola olives, and strawberries. Toss together with some thinly sliced red onion and baby spinach leaves. This salad is as rich in flavour as it is in colour. It’s a real crowd pleaser and can be enjoyed on its own or as a side item.
The next time you feel like adding a bit of sweetness to your favourite meal, consider the combinations mentioned above. Salads work well with berries and crunchy fruits while juicy fruits are great in cooked meals.