Coffee is a delicious beverage for some, and a morning necessity for many! Of course, apart from drinking your morning cuppa, coffee also has a number of other interesting uses. Here are some ways of using coffee that you may not have thought of before.
Barbecue sauce is great for sandwiches and as a marinade. If you are tired of your usual BBQ sauce, it’s time to add a bit of coffee to the mix! Not only will coffee give your sauce a delicious new flavour, but it will also have a dose of caffeine to help boost those energy levels.
Coffee can also be used in salad dressings. The next time you think about drizzling your salad with your usual vinaigrette, take a moment to add some coffee first! Vinegar, maple syrup, and coffee all have very different properties in terms of flavour. It’s these contrasts that make them work so well together.
Puddings, cakes, and desserts should come as no surprise. There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of tasty coffee-flavoured sweet treats out there. In fact, you can add coffee to just about any dessert or cake! You might need to adjust your other liquids in order to compensate for the addition of coffee but it will give your dessert a whole new twist.
You could even make your own coffee syrup! Simply boil some strong coffee and add an equal amount of sugar before bringing to a boil. You will need to let this mixture simmer for 10 – 15 minutes or until it reaches the desired consistency. Once your coffee syrup is ready, you can add it to your morning cuppa or drizzle over your favourite dessert.
As you can see, coffee is good for so much more than just drinking. So, the next time you make a cup or brew a pot, give these great ideas a second thought and set some coffee aside to try one or more of your favourite ideas!