The warmer months usually makes us crave fresh fruit and vegetables even more than we usually do in the winter. As any chef will tell you, you eat with your eyes first and this is why presentation is so important. Whether you’re catering for adults or toddlers, getting creative with your fruit and veg cutting skills will definitely encourage everyone to tuck in! Best of all is that you only need a few basic tools to get the job done!
If you have a small scoop, you can use it to make watermelon or cantaloupe balls. For some reason, cutting them into this bite-size shape make fruit that much more appealing. It also makes it possible to add melon to a fruit skewer if you like. st
Another great tool is a mandolin or slicer. These slicers usually come with a wide variety of attachments and settings. These settings allow you to choose just how thick or thin you wish to make your slices. If you are planning on slicing apples or pears, make sure that you soak the slices in some lemon water afterwards so that they don’t turn brown. If you need to store them for a few hours, keep them in the lemon water in your fridge. Don’t keep them for too long in the fridge before consuming them or they will eventually turn brown no matter how much lemon you add.
You can even put your peeler to good use. After cleaning your carrots, use the peeler to make long, thin strips. These strips look great and they are really easy and fun to eat! You can do the same for any other hard fruit or vegetable to get that ultra thin slice.
Finally, never underestimate the power of the cookie cutter! Cookie cutters come in all shapes and sizes. Buy the smallest ones you can get and make sure that they are the durable, metal variety. Plastic won’t cut hard fruit or vegetables. So, if you’re trying to cut something like bell peppers, you’ll need a sharper edge to cut through the tough skin.
Use these tools to create a fun plate or fruit and veg spread to impress even the pickiest of eaters! When dressing salad items, use a touch of salt and lemon juice to boost their natural flavours without overdoing it.