When you look around online for cheese and wine hampers, you are bound to come across at least one basket that contains Port and Stilton. Both Port and this type of cheese have strong and distinct flavours which is what makes them taste so great together. When serving them together, however, it’s important to remember a few simple guidelines.
Firstly, when serving Port and Stilton, you will want to make sure that the cheese has had enough time to warm up slightly (to around room temperature) before your guests tuck in. This is because cold cheese does not have the fullest flavour. Regardless of the type of cheese, it always tastes better when it has stood out of the fridge for about 30 minutes.
If you are serving more than one type of wine and more than one type of cheese, it’s a good idea to help your guests make the best choices. Set your Port and Stilton together with plates and glasses. Set your other cheeses and wines according to their pairings along the table as well. Explain to your guests that each bottle of wine has been carefully placed close to the cheese it is best paired with. You can place any breads, crackers, fruits, and other similar snack items together in a separate area. The main idea is for your guests to get their cheese and wine before adding breads and other foods that will complete their plate.
Since Stilton is a strong smelling cheese, it’s good to keep it separate from any other cheeses and foods. The strong aroma of this cheese can affect the flavour of other foods and cheeses are particularly sensitive to such influences.
Make sure that you make the first slice in the cheese! This will help ensure that your guests follow your example and that the cheese will be cut correctly until the very last slice. Never cut too many pieces at once. You want to let your guests cut their own.
Even if you have guests who have never tried the combination of Port and Stilton, you can brush up on your knowledge of this pairing and lead by example. The cheese is lovely on its own, as is Port, but they taste even better together!