Chocolate is a delicious sweet treat and they are available in a wide range of flavours. From fruits and nuts to liqueurs and coffee, it’s easy to find something to suit everyone’s tastes. It’s also interesting to know that plain chocolate can be paired with a wide variety of foods.
As previously mentioned, chocolate tastes great with caramel and a wide variety of fruits. Even citrus fruits like oranges taste amazing with dark chocolate in particular. You can choose to enjoy your fruit with melted chocolate (like a chocolate fondue) or you could create a colourful platter filled with a variety of chocolates and fresh fruit cubes.
Peanut butter is delicious all on its own but it tastes even better with chocolate! There are certain chocolates on the market that us peanut butter as a filling for their chocolates. Peanut butter has a slightly salty appeal that balances the sweetness of the chocolate.
Possibly a strange combination is seafood. Some might cringe at the thought but, those who have tried it will know just how well these two delicacies go together. So, the next time you enjoy some shrimp, try dipping it in chocolate!
Potato chips come in various flavours. Again, like the peanut butter and chocolate combination, there’s something about that sweet and salty blend that makes it so appealing. The best approach, however, is to choose plain salted chips to start with. You might enjoy salt and vinegar or a paprika flavour as well. It’s worth experimenting.
Similarly, mini pretzels also work well with a chocolate topping. In fact, in some countries, pretzel-like sticks are sold with half of the stick left uncoated and the other half dipped in chocolate.
Finally, some might already know this trick, bacon! Yes, bacon is becoming quite a popular pairing food for chocolate. Like the shrimp combo, it’s worth a try at least once! Of course, if none of these pairing ideas tickle your fancy, you can always enjoy your chocolate just as it is!