When you spot some fresh fruit on sale, you might be tempted to buy a larger quantity than usual. Of course, the downside is that you might not have the time to enjoy it all before it starts going bad. Fortunately, you can preserve your fruit and put it to great use with these froze fruit recipe ideas.

Proper preparation

Whenever preserving fruit, no matter the method you use, it’s important to prepare the fresh produce properly. With frozen fruit, you should make sure that you clean each fruit properly and remove any seeds or even the peel if you don’t intend on using it. Larger fruit should be cut into small pieces. In other words, you want to be able to simply add the fruit to your recipe or thaw it out before use with no additional steps needed.


Of all the frozen fruit available at your supermarket, berries are the most popular. Berries are known for having a particularly short shelf life which means that freezing them is the way to go if you want to make the most of them and not discard too much. They can be added to various recipes including pancakes, muffins, cupcakes and more.


Any type of frozen fruit can be used to make a delicious smoothie. The benefit of using frozen fruit is the fact that it is perfectly chilled. You should let the fruit thaw out just a bit before use. You don’t want your blender to struggle too much. Adding a fresh or frozen banana will help ensure a thicker consistency.

Comforting cobblers

If you want to serve a warm dessert with your frozen fruit, cobblers are an excellent and easy choice. You can use just about any type of fruit but the most popular options are banana, apple and peach. Make sure that your fruit is cut into the right size chunks or slices before freezing and you will find these types of recipes even easier to fit into a busy schedule.

Satisfying sauces

Many desserts can do with a sweet topping or sauce. Frozen fruit can be used to make such a sauce by boiling and adding sugar. Berries are a great option for fruity sauces because they are sweet but they also have a slightly sour taste which helps balance the dish out.

As you can see, there are plenty of options in terms of recipes that could use both fresh and frozen fruit. Of course, it is important to remember that, when freezing fruit, it will alter the texture. This is why they are best used in baked recipes or blended rather than enjoyed after they thaw out.