When sending a gift, it’s not only important to take into account the contents of the gift but the presentation as well. The proper hamper packaging can make all the difference. Not only does it ensure that the hamper looks good, but the right hamper packaging also helps protect the contents.

Safe transport

In some instances, a gift basket may contain fragile items such as a bottle of wine. The right hamper packaging will ensure that the bottle does not break during transport. Wine hampers are often placed inside wooden crates or baskets with a soft material in between all of the items to prevent them from knocking against one another.

A fitting theme

The hamper packaging can also help underline the theme of the gift. For example, Christmas hampers might be wrapped in something a bit more festive while Valentine’s Day gifts have a romantic theme.

Transparent wrapping

Transparent materials like cellophane ensure that the contents of the hamper is clearly visible as soon as it is delivered. This type of hamper packaging is also cost-effective which means that it will not cause a major increase in the price of the gift.

Formal versus casual

When considering the hamper packaging, it’s also important to take a moment to think about the relationship you have with the recipient. For corporate hampers, a crate, box or basket will be suitable. If you are sending a new baby hamper to a friend or relative, for instance, you can use something fun like a potty or child’s toy to hold the hamper contents.

When searching for a hamper online, you can be sure that the vendor will include the appropriate hamper packaging. You can have the gift delivered to you or you can opt for a direct delivery if you prefer.