If you already enjoy tea, you will know just how great it tastes. Especially when paired with your favourite foods. Of course, you may not know that there are also a number of health benefits from drinking tea on a regular basis.


One of the main health benefits of many types of tea is the fact that they contain powerful antioxidants. Rooibos is an excellent variety to enjoy if you want to help rid your body of toxins.


A number of types of tea contain caffeine. So, if you are trying to give up coffee, you can wean yourself off by choosing tea with caffeine during your transitional period. This way, you should be less prone to headaches.

Cholesterol control

You may also be interested to know that another one of the health benefits of tea is that it can help lower LDL cholesterol levels. Green tea can even help reduce the risk of stroke. Remember, you will need to enjoy at least three to four cups a day to enjoy these benefits.

Healthy teeth

If you are concerned about dental health, you most likely avoid most beverages. Sugary drinks and even coffee can have a negative effect on your teeth. Fortunately, tea helps promote a healthy pH level in your mouth which is great news for your teeth.

Immune system boost

We could all use an immune system boost from time to time. The good news is that one of the health benefits of various types of tea is that it can provide just the boost you need. Herbal tea is great for soothing the digestive system and chamomile tea is one fine example that most of us can enjoy.

Remember, along with all of these health benefits, you won’t need to worry about increasing your calorie intake if you are on a diet. As long as you avoid adding sugar or any other high-calorie sweeteners, you can enjoy plenty of tea every day.