Most people do not feel the need to justify why beer is their beverage of choice. However, you might find it interesting to note that beer benefits your health in so many ways you may not even realise. Here are some reasons why you should consider enjoying beer at least occasionally.

Kidney stones

Beer benefits your kidneys and bladder health since it has a wonderful way of flushing out various toxins. According to a study in Finland, beer drinkers had a 40% lower chance of developing kidney stones.

Digestive health

Beer benefits your digestive system too. It contains plenty of soluble fibre which helps prevent digestive issues caused by a lack of fibre in your diet.


Beer drinkers are known for having lower cholesterol and this means that they enjoy better heart health and they are up to 60% less likely to suffer from a heart attack.


If you thought that beer was just a bunch of empty calories, think again! You will get a delicious dose of B1, B2, B6 and B12 with each pint. B12 is difficult to find in foods that we usually eat which is why it is good to consider supplementing your diet with a glass of beer every now and then.

Bone density

Calcium is needed for healthy bones and you don’t need to drink gallons of milk just for this. Beer contains high levels of silicon which can also help improve bone density. While beer is considered to be a man’s drink, many women suffer from osteoporosis which is why women should consider acquiring a taste for this beverage too!

Better sleep

The lactoflavin and nicotinic acid in beer benefits your sleep pattern. If you struggle to fall asleep at night, consider having a glass of beer after dinner. This will give it enough time to help you relax before bed time.

Blood clots

Blood clots can cause serious issues if they make their way to your lungs or heart. There are various ingredients in beer that help prevent the formation of blood clots.

These are just a few fantastic beer benefits that you should keep in mind when you pour that next pint! Of course, like with all things in life, it is important to enjoy in moderation since beer does contain alcohol after all.