You may have already noticed that different types of cheese have different flavours. Cheese flavours are influenced by a number of factors. Understanding these factors will help you make the best choice when it comes to buying and serving cheese.

Cheese made from animal milk

Most of the cheese we consume comes from some sort of animal milk. These include cows, goats and sheep. There are even different types of cows milk depending on the breed of the cow and where they are bred. Cheese flavours depend on the type of milk and can vary based on where the animals are raised. It can also affect the texture of the cheese.

Cheese made from non-animal milk

Vegetarians can also enjoy various types of cheese. They are made for those who suffer from lactose intolerance too. Soy milk and rice milk are two of the most popular options. Soy milk is the top choice for those looking for cheese with plenty of protein. Cheese flavours made from soy milk will also vary depending on who makes the cheese. Varieties made in Asia are often stronger in flavour than many others. Rice milk can be made from white or brown rice. It can even be made from rice flour.

What the animal is fed

The diet of the cow, goat, sheep or other animal will directly influence the cheese flavours. This is because the food the mother eats helps her produce milk. There are certain foods that women should avoid when breastfeeding and the same can be said for animals. It’s also important to note that different countries have different quality animal food which can also impact the flavour.

Location and climate

As for non-animal milk, the climate and location in which the plants are grown will affect the flavour. Nutrient and mineral levels vary from area to area which is why milk produced from these plants will take on a different taste based on where the plants are cultivated. If the plants are genetically modified, it can somewhat affect cheese flavours. Similarly, when animals are injected with hormones, it also affects the final result.

If you want cheese flavours that are delicious and natural, look for organic products. It’s also a good idea to consider shopping locally rather than opting for products that have been imported. Not only will you support local farmers, but you will also enjoy the freshest produce.