For so many, there really is nothing that can compare to the amazing taste of a fresh sausage roll. Of course, before you tuck in, there are a few points to keep in mind. By serving your sausage rolls just right, you will get the most out of every bite.


While some might say that they enjoy eating a sausage roll cold or at room temperature, there is no doubt that they taste better warm. This is because of all that butter in the pastry. Once chilled, this butter solidifies and it causes a change in the texture and flavour. Of course, if you have just removed them from the oven, you should allow some standing time before tucking in or you will end up with a scorched mouth.

Where to serve

If you are planning a picnic, it is basically impossible to keep food warm. It is best to enjoy your sausage roll at home or when served at a buffet. This way, you can be sure that it will taste delicious. If you are playing host, make sure that you have plenty of sausage rolls on standby since they are one of the first foods to run out on the buffet line!

Adding some sides

Many people will argue that the sausage roll needs no accompaniments. Others might say that a dash of sauce like chutney, ketchup or dijon mustard will enhance the flavour even more. Sauces should be set on the side so that they are easy for dipping. It’s never a good idea to overdo it with any kind of sauce, however, or it will overpower the flavour. Palate cleansers like red cabbage or watercress-based salads are excellent pairings. You may want to avoid serving this scrumptious pastry with potatoes, beans, carrots or peas.


As important as it is to serve your sausage roll with the right side dishes, you also need to choose your beverages with care. If you are a beer drinker, you will find a cold pint of pale or golden ale to be perfect. Alternatively, you could enjoy a glass of malbec, merlot or pinot noir. If you prefer white wine, riesling is a refreshing choice.

Now that you know how to make the most of the ever popular sausage roll, your mouth is undoubtedly already watering! You don’t have to give dinner a second thought when you serve sausage rolls. You can be sure that everyone will eat their fill and likely even ask for second helpings!