Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all important meals but we usually get peckish in between. This is when those smaller meals in between, like tea, prove to be the most satisfying of all. The key to a delicious tea break is to make sure that you pair your tea with the right treats. If you have a sweet tooth, you will love these delicious tea and sweet treat pairing ideas.
If you are a chocolate lover, then you will be happy to know that you can still enjoy your favourite sweet treat if you pair it with some Earl Grey. This tea tastes delicious with chocolate-filled cakes and pastries.
As for green tea, you can get the most out of your sugar cookies when paired with this beverage. This is because green tea has a slightly bitter flavour. Black tea, on the other hand, pairs well with spicy and fruity flavours. As for light teas, you can serve them with sweeter pastries including meringues, eclairs, and cheesecake.
Apart from enjoying tea with pastries, you can also use tea in various recipes. So, even if you don’t fancy drinking tea, you can still enjoy the way it enhance the taste of your favourite baked treats by adding tea.
Not only is it important to keep these pairings in mind when enjoying tea alone or with a loved one, but also when you do your monthly shopping. When you choose your tea, make sure to choose the right treats too.