For many beer lovers, the idea of leftover beer is something unheard of. Who would even consider wasting a drop of this delicious beverage? That said, there are times when a bottle or can may go unfinished for various reasons. Before you even think about pouring the leftovers down the drain, you should consider how you can put that beer to better use.
Beer can work wonders in your marinade recipe. The next time you want to give your BBQ meat a soak, consider adding beer and you will notice the delicious flavour along with the fact that your meat will be succulent and tender. Remember, when you remove the meat from the marinade, there will be some left in the dish. Don’t discard the marinade. Instead, use it to baste your meat as it cooks. This will add flavour and keep the meat juicy.
Another interesting use for leftover beer is for your hair. There are a number of shampoos out there that include beer as an ingredient. The only thing better than beer shampoo is real beer. You can make your own special mix by blending beer with distilled water. You can even add some essential oil to mask the beer smell. Beer isn’t only good for your hair. It’s also good for your skin. Add some to your bath water, enjoy a soak and you’ll love how soft your skin feels.
It might sound odd when you consider feeding beer to animals or insects but a bowl of beer in your garden can attract more creepy crawlies on which your birds can feast. In fact, once the bugs have had a taste, they can prove to be easier prey.
You may have heard of soothing scents but you might not know that one of these scents is the smell of hops. If you are struggling to sleep, you can wash your pillowcase with some water and a dash of beer. The smell can help you enjoy more restful sleep.
If you love that hops taste, then you can also use beer to make bread. Since there is yeast in beer, this will make your bread delicious. The alcohol will cook away as you bake your bread and the smell will fill your home.
If you really want to throw your beer out, you should at least aim for your lawn. You’re not alone when it comes to loving beer. Your grass can benefit from those sugars too! So, if you’ve hosted a party and you’re not comfortable consuming beer leftover by several guests, you don’t need to pour it down the drain – feed your lawn instead!
Beer can also be used to remove certain stains, rust, and you can clean your jewellery with it! Just member to test before you dunk your favourite item of clothing or jewellery in a glass of beer! You want to make sure that it will have the desired effect first.
These are just a few great uses for leftover beer. Since there are so many amazing uses, it’s a wonder beer would find itself down the drain at all.