After a long day of work, many people love nothing more than a cool, refreshing beer. Not to mention the fact that it is one of the most popular beverages when watching various important sports events. No matter what type of beer you enjoy or when you prefer to pour that pint, it’s good to know that beer doesn’t just taste good. It also offers some amazing health benefits.
In Finland, a study was conducted and the results were very interesting. According to this study, beer was proven to be the best alcoholic beverage for your kidneys. Consuming one bottle of beer can help reduce the chance of kidney stones by as much as 40%.
Beer contains up to one gram of soluble fibre. The darker varieties are known for containing the most fibre of all. This means that drinking beer can help promote digestion and prevent other problems that are caused by a lack of fibre in your diet.
Another benefit of the additional fibre is the fact that it helps reduce cholesterol levels. Lower cholesterol is beneficial for the heart and it also offers other medical benefits. People who drink beer have a 40 – 60% less chance of having a heart attack.
Beer is also a source of Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12. A Dutch study revealed that beer drinkers had 30% more Vitamin B6 than those who did not drink beer. Vitamin B12 is beneficial for its anti-anaemic properties and, since B12 is fairly difficult to find in most food sources, beer makes it easy to ensure that you’re getting enough.
Calcium is essential for healthy bones and the high levels of silicon in beer also helps improve bone density. You will also fined lactoflavin and nicotinic acid which are connected with promoting sleep.

The ingredients in beer have also been proven to prevent blood clots from forming. Blood clots can reach various parts of the body, like the heart and brain, which can be fatal. This means that drinking beer can help prevent some severe medical conditions.

The risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia can also be greatly reduced by consuming beer in moderation. A Montreal study revealed that beer can help shed that work-related stress too. Which is why a pint tastes so good after a long day at work!

Warm beer can be consumed as a cold remedy. Simply heat it up and add honey for a sweeter taste. Beer contains barley which improves blood circulation when heated. This can help you breathe easier and relieve congestion. It’s also good for your joins and will help boost your immune system along with the honey. The honey also has antibiotic properties.

The vitamins that are in beer also offer skin benefits. Drinking beer, therefore, will help keep your skin supple and smooth. Which is all the more reason for more women to enjoy this delicious beverage.

Now that you know about all of these benefits, you can stun your friends with your amazing beer knowledge! Don’t forget, beer is not only a great beverage. It also makes an excellent gift. No matter the occasion, a beer hamper will always make a fantastic gift for any beer lover.