When you are lucky enough to receive a beautiful gift hamper packaged in a wooden basket, you may continue to use the basket around your home or it could end up in storage for now. Either way, time always takes it toll and your wooden basket will eventually start to look less than perfect. The good news is that there are a number of ways to restore your wooden basket and make it look lovely again.
Before you begin, you will need to remove any decorative items from the basket. Once they are all off, you can clean the basket carefully using a brush (like a toothbrush). It will remove all the dirt and dust in between. You can use a small amount of water and dish washing liquid to remove and stubborn dirt. Just make sure that you allow your basket to dry completely before you continue.
Inspect the basket for any damage and repair accordingly. Raffia, glue, or wire may come in handy, depending on the type of damage that has occurred. Remember to use glue that is suited for use on wood. Harsher glues can cause more harm than good.
Once the repairs are completed, you can decide whether you would like to stain, paint, or use another method to redefine the look of the basket. There are different shades when it comes to staining and paint colours are virtually limitless too. Make sure that you use a fine brush to get into all the nooks and grooves in between. Take your time and don’t try to rush the process. If you need to apply more than one layer, make sure that you allow the first layer to dry first.
If you prefer not to paint, you can use ribbons to decorate your basket. Weave them in between to add colour here and there. This will take time and patience but it really is worth it in the end.
Once your basket has been successfully restored, you can use it around your home or even use it to make your very own gift hamper for a loved one!