For most people, telling the difference between cheap and expensive wine involves checking the price tag. There have been a number of wine tasting experiments over the years in order to determine whether or not we really can tell the difference. In one experiment in particular, wine tasters were served two glasses of wine. One was white and the other appeared red. Each glass received a different review. The fact of the matter was that the same wine was poured in both glasses! Red food colouring was added to the one glass. The glass of ‘red’ was also served at a slightly warmer temperature. The temperature differences changed the way the wine tasted.
This underlines the importance of serving wine at the right temperature. White wines, red wines, and sparkling wines are all served at different temperatures. This is not purely coincidental. The temperatures are selected in order to ensure that the flavours and aromas really come through.
If you want to buy a quality bottle of wine but you don’t want to overspend, the first thing you need to do is focus on regions that are known for producing superior wines. New Zealand is known for producing some of the best bottles of sauvignon blanc while top bottles of shiraz and riesling come from Australia.
Apart from chilling your wine properly and according to the recommendations based on the type of wine, you should also allow your wine to aerate. Letting your wine breathe allows all the best flavours to come to the surface. If you drink wine that has not had time to breathe, it can be extremely overwhelming and sharp to the nose and pallet.
Drinking wine will usually make you peckish at least. Most people enjoy their wine with a meal. Proper wine and food pairing also makes a massive difference. The wine should not overpower nor be overpowered by the food. There are plenty of resources online if you are looking for the best menu plan based on your choice of wine.
Finally, if you are ever unsure, it can help to enjoy regular wine tastings. This will help you identify the best properties in various wines and also determine your own preferences.