During the summer months, you will find an abundance of fresh produce at your local markets. With so much fresh fruit and vegetables available, you might not know what to enjoy first. We often become so enthusiastic that we buy too much and we end up throwing a lot away. The good news is that you do not need to throw fresh produce away or rush to eat it all right away. You can freeze fresh produce for later use and even for your enjoyment when the produce is no longer in season.
Firstly, if you are freezing fruit or vegetables, you will need to prepare the produce so that it is ready to use and does not need to be washed or peeled. Think about your recipes and this will tell you how to cut, chop, or grate the fresh produce. You can then measure out portions so that you have them ready for your favourite meals. Place these portions in freezer bags and label the bags with the name of the produce as well as the quantity.
If you want to freeze herbs, you should wash and chop the herbs up and divide them into portions. These portions can be placed in small freezer bags or you can use your ice tray to create little blocks of herbs for easy use.
Before freezing any fresh produce, make sure that it freezes well. For example, bananas can be frozen if you would like to use them in a smoothie or similar recipe. If you freeze apples, you should peel them first because the skins are extremely tough and they are best removed when used in recipes like apple pie.
For those with babies, you can safely freeze pureed fruit and vegetables in portions too. Many people like to use ice trays so that these portions are easy to measure. Always allow the baby food to thaw out in the fridge for maximum freshness. You can make one tray with sweet fruits and another try with delicious veggies so that baby has lots of variety.
Tomato puree is something we often buy at the shop because it’s fast and convenient. You can make your own, non-concentrated, version by peeling and blending tomatoes. Place in small containers before freezing. Smaller portions are best. You can always add more than one of these frozen portions if you make a larger pot of food or a larger batch of sauce. You can even add herbs like oregano and basil if you want a quick pasta sauce.
Remember to always label and date your frozen produce so that you know how old it is and which bags or containers to use first.