Summer is picnic season and it’s the perfect opportunity for friends, families, and couples to enjoy light meals outdoors surrounded by nature. Packing your picnic basket requires a bit of planning but, if you follow these easy steps, you’ll have everything you need!
Food and Drinks
The first thing you need to plan is the food and beverages you plan on serving. You want to keep it healthy, light, and you want to offer a variety of foods too. Juicy fruit like peaches, pears, oranges, and watermelon are popular for picnics. You can also serve some crunchie veggies with dip if you are looking for something savoury. As for your main course, make sure that you choose finger foods like sandwiches, chicken nuggets, mini meatballs or falafel if you prefer. You want to keep it all as simple and convenient as possible. These finger foods will go really well with your veggies and dip too! Don’t forget to leave room for dessert! Again, finger foods are ideal so consider biscuits, brownies, scones, donuts, and so on. You can also pack some nuts, crisps, and other snacks. If you have any younger guests, like toddlers, make sure that they also have plenty of options. They might not be able to eat everything on the menu but you can create a special menu based on their preferences and needs.
Each of your guests will also need their own knife, fork, cup, and plate (or plates). Many people opt for plastic cutlery but you can pack regular cutlery if you prefer. The same goes for plates. You could opt for plastic, paper, or ceramic. You should also have a sharp or serrated knife just in case you need to cut or slice something. In fact, many people prefer to slice things like cucumber and tomato during the picnic so that they are juicy and fresh. If you plan on enjoying beer or wine, pack the appropriate opener. You should also pack some paper towels, serviettes, plastic bags for any rubbish, extra water, and condiments like salt, pepper, and sauces. Don’t forget the ice! Even if you don’t have any frozen blocks to keep your food cool, you can get creative by placing water bottles in the freezer a day or two in advance. Use these as your ice coolers for the day and, at the end of the day, you could even drink or use the melted ice to rinse your hands.
Comfort and Fun
A picnic blanket is a must! Make sure that you consider how many people will be joining you and, if need be, pack two blankets. If any of your guests are older and struggle to sit on the floor, you could pack a camping chair for them. Insect spray, sunscreen, hats, and umbrellas are also important for sunny days. For fun, you can pack a ball, frisbee, deck of cards, or another outdoor game. Make sure that your games are age appropriate. In other words, smaller children might not be able to catch a frisbee but you could take some balls for them to throw and kick.
Remember, a picnic is a social event. As tempting as it might be to check your social media, emails, or other messages, it’s best to give it a break at least for a few hours. Focus on your loved ones and enjoy a much-needed break from technology!