During the colder months of the year, germs tend to go into hiding, so to speak. They become dormant when it gets too cold. When the weather warms up, these germs and viruses become active once again and this is why springtime is when so many people get sick. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to prevent yourself from catching one of these germs. Here are some foods that will help you naturally boost your immune system.
Garlic contains potassium, calcium, and plenty of sulfuric compounds. These properties are the reason behind its sickness fighting power. Even if you add just a small amount to your meals, you will enjoy great benefits as well as improved flavour. Similarly, ginger can be added to food and beverages in small quantities. Ginger has a strong flavour which is why you don’t want to add too much. It had antimicrobial properties which helps prevent bacteria from making itself at home in your body. If you already have a cold, add some ginger to your tea and it will help you sweat it out.
Tumeric is another spice worth including in your diet on a regular basis. It has anti-inflammatory properties due to the curcumin compound. Even if you aren’t sick, you will still love the flavour and rich colour this spice will add to your food!
Enjoy almonds as a healthy snack to enjoy between meals or even as part of your regular breakfast. With plenty of Vitamin E, almonds help boost your immune system and reduce stress. Take care not to overindulge, however, since nuts also contain various types of fat and it’s best to consume in moderation.
Packed full of Vitamins A, C, and antioxidants, broccoli is great for those who want to skip the carbs and opt for something healthier instead. Take care not to boil broccoli or it will lose a lot of its beneficial properties. Steam or blanch them instead.
If you are looking for a boost of Vitamin C, you might be inclined to reach for the oranges. Oranges do contain quite a bit of Vitamin C but, what you might not know, is that Kiwi actually contains more!
Berries are also great for your balanced immune boosting diet. Rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, add some berries to your daily diet and you will enjoy the most delicious way of staying healthy! Remember to always enjoy foods in their most natural form. If you struggle to consume enough fruits and vegetables every day, you can try getting into a routine of consuming delicious smoothies every day.