Apples are in abundance around this time of year and it’s a good idea to make the most of them! Not only do they taste best right about now, but they are also that much cheaper! So, if you have plenty of apples and you’re not sure how to put them to good use, here are a few ideas!
Apple sauce is a great idea and perfect for those with young children who are just beginning their exploration of solid foods. Apple sauce can also be used in various recipes (to make them naturally sweet and healthier) so why not make your own batch and store them in jars?
Apple pie is another scrumptious treat loved by many and you won’t feel nearly as guilty when you tuck into this delicious morsel as you would biting into that chocolate! Apple pie is also really easy to make and you could even pop one or two in the freezer if you want to enjoy them later.
Apple muffins and apple cake are also wonderful seasonal treats and they will help you put those apples to great use! These cakes and muffins are deliciously moist and it won’t be long before your loved ones start begging you to make another batch!
Caramel apples are a bit of a guilty pleasure for many people. Make sure that you are extra careful when working with hot caramel since it is sticky and very hot. You can make a batch of these, wrap each one in some clear cellophane and hand them out to your neighbours too, if you like.
On a savoury note, you can also use apples as part of your stuffing recipe. Apple stuffing recipes can be found all over the internet. This means that you simply need to browse to find the one you like the most! Apples help keep your food moist and they add just a touch of sweetness to enhance the flavour of the meal.
With so many great ways of enjoying apples, there is no reason for anyone to get bored of their deliciousness!