Shopping online has become incredibly popular and we have a growing number of online vendors today. However, despite the fact that there are so many online vendors, there are still a number of misconceptions that keep them from enjoying the benefits of online shopping.
One common misconception is that you will lose your money. When using your card online to buy a gift hamper, for example, it works much like any other purchase. The payment will enter a pending status and reflect as such in your account. You will also be provided with proof of your order which means that, if there is a dispute, you can either take it up with the vendor or your bank.
Some believe that their personal and financial data will be stolen and compromised by using their card online. The best thing to do if you want to limit any risk is by making sure that the vendor offers a secure payment method. You should also never let their system (or yours) store your card details. It’s better to enter your card number and other details manually every time.
If you don’t have a credit card, you might still be able to shop online (depending on the vendor). Some vendors offer cash on delivery and you could even use a debit card. Provided your card has a card number, expiration date, and those three numbers on the bag, it will most likely work.
For those who believe that online shopping is more expensive, you’ll be surprised to note that online prices are often cheaper than those of nearby stores! Not to mention the fact that you don’t need to waste time rushing from store to store.
As for quality, some people believe that shopping online means that the products are of inferior quality. Reputable online shops back their products with a satisfaction guarantee. If the online shop you are visiting does not offer any such guarantee, you should shop elsewhere.