Just as we crave different types of food during different weather, so too do we prefer different types of wine during different seasons. While some kinds of wine are perfectly refreshing for the summer months, others are better suited for cooler weather conditions.
Wines like your sauvignon blanc, sparkling pink, and pale rosés are better suited for the warmer months that have just past. Instead, during autumn, it’s time to pop the cork of a bottle of oaked chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, or even certain richer bottles of bubbly. A soft red blend can also suit your autumn pallet quite nicely since it’s not too light or too heavy.
You may also find that you prefer a lighter wine during the day whereas those with a bit more body are better served with dinner. You might not be ready for mulled wine just yet, but there’s nothing quite like a quality glass of wine to warm you up as the evening temperatures begin to drop.
Remember, when enjoying these wines, it’s important that you take note of proper wine pairing too. Sometimes, the food that you crave does not always suit the bottle you have on hand. So, think again about the kind of food you wish to enjoy or serve to your guests.
While the more refreshing wines might need to be placed on hold for the next few months, remember that many of them can still be used in cooking. So, if you have some more summery wines that you have not managed to finish, it’s a good idea to put them to good use before they go to waste. Wine lovers will agree that there is no greater shame than wasting good wine! White wines, red wines, and even champagne can be used in cooking. If you’re not sure about the kinds of foods that call for the wine or wines you have on hand, simply run a search online for recipes and you’ll have plenty to choose from!