Many wine lovers will argue that there is no such thing as leftover wine. However, when you host an event, you will most likely open several bottles of wine and you may very well end up with leftovers here and there. You could cork and store them but, let’s face it, once that cork has been popped, it’s bottom’s up! If you don’t consume all of the wine in that evening, it’s best to put it to good use before it loses its aroma and distinct flavour. One great use for leftover wine is homemade vinegar. Here is a quick and easy recipe that yields about a cup of vinegar by the time you’re done.
You will need:

  • 1 cup wine
  • 3 tablespoons starter vinegar (homemade or store bought)


  • Pour the wine into a container with a large surface area. You want to allow as much contact with air as possible.
  • Add the starter vinegar and stir vigorously until completely mixed.
  • Cover the container with a towel and secure the towel with some string or a rubber band. This prevents the towel from falling into the vinegar mixture.
  • Within 7 to 10 days, you will notice a thin film form on top of the mixture.
  • Taste your mixture after about three weeks. When you notice that it tastes more like vinegar than wine, you can transfer it to another container. This container should limit air exposure so look for something like a 250ml bottle or small jar with a small opening at the top.
  • Air is needed to make vinegar but, once the desired result is achieved, additional air exposure can ruin the vinegar.
  • Store the sealed bottles in a cool, dry place and avoid excessive exposure to sunlight.
  • When using your vinegar, it’s important to taste it first! Since there are no real preservatives in the vinegar, it does have a shelf life. Tasting it before use in food or on salads is, therefore, essential if you don’t want to ruin your meal.