Coffee lovers will agree that there is nothing that could possibly take the place of their morning cuppa. The aroma awakes the senses and the flavour is just as invigorating. That said, we sometimes feel the need for change and, instead of that strong coffee flavour, we desire a little something extra. Like many drinks and meals, coffee can be spruced up by adding just the right ingredients.
Cardamom is a popular addition to coffee in the Middle East. This spice transforms regular coffee into an exotic drink. Not only does it delight the senses, but it also helps neutralise the effects of the caffeine. Brew your coffee as per usual and add a sprinkle to each cup. Alternatively, you can add the whole seeds to you beans before they are ground.
While many people understand the reason behind adding sugar, it’s also common to add salt to coffee. Salt is often added during the bean state before grinding. This helps neutralise the bitterness of the black coffee.
If you want to try something other than your usual cream and sugar, give cinnamon a go. No only does it taste great but you can also keep your calorie intake to a minimum. Cinnamon also offers some great health benefits including boosting the immune system. You can add some to each cup or add cinnamon sticks to the brew.
Adding butter to your coffee might sound as strange as adding salt. Butter, according experts, helps increase your morning energy levels. Alcohol, on the other hand, is a well-known addition but not something you would add to your morning coffee. Instead, enjoy your coffee with whisky or even your favourite liqueur to your afternoon or evening cup.
Vanilla is great for sweetening your coffee without adding fatty creamers. Coconut milk is also a favourite among those who favour a non-dairy option. If you want to chill your coffee but still make sure that it has a creamy appeal, you can add a scoop of ice cream! Chocolate or vanilla are usually best. You might not like to add fruity flavours to your coffee.
A strange addition for coffee is egg. This is a popular option for those in Nordic regions. Before trying this option, it’s a good idea to do some research regarding exactly how this process is performed.