For many cooking enthusiasts and even those new to cooking, it’s fairly common knowledge that various types of alcohol can improve the favour of food. Wine, beer, and even whisky are popular ingredients. What many might not know is how gin can be used in a number of delicious dishes.
If you are looking for a refreshing drink, you will find a number of cocktail recipes that include gin as a main ingredient. Examples include the Earl Grey Martini, Gin and French, and the Cherry Negroni. Gin is so desirable because it has a mild flavour that allows the other flavours in the cocktail to stand out.
Savoury dishes
Starters and main dishes can be made using gin. Salmon gravlax is a delicious and light starter. You can serve this to your guests as such or you can prepare it as a kind of snack in between meals. You can also cure turnips and swede using salt and spice before sautéing in duck fat and adding vegetables, vinegar, and gin. Gin also comes in handy when preparing pot partridge, bacon, and chestnuts. The gin is an important ingredient added while making the sauce for cooking the partridges.
Like brandy and other strong liquor, gin makes a wonderful ingredient in various types of desserts. It can be used to make Gin and Lime truffles or, Summer gin granita. This granite is more of a cocktail but can be served instead of a dessert. Gin is wonderfully refreshing which is why drinks like Gin and Tonic are so popular during the hot months. A gin and tonic granita is also a great way of enjoying this spirit. It is the perfect light treat after a satisfying meal. The ingredients include gin, tonic, lemon juice, and apples.
The key to cooking with any type of alcohol, including gin, is to experiment with various flavours. You need not always stick to the recipes out there but create your own according to your own personal preferences. More often than not, the greatest recipes come from trial and error.