Some people enjoy a gluten free diet due to personal preference. For the most part, however, those on such a diet suffer from a condition called Celiac Disease. If you have never heard of this condition, it might sound strange that there are people who cannot eat bread and wheat products. Understanding this condition will help you choose the best possible gift and you can also better cater to their needs when inviting them to join you for a meal.
Understanding Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease can affect anyone, no matter your age or gender. Symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, joint pains, and fatigue. These are a few of the most common symptoms but there are plenty of other symptoms that could be confused with other medical concerns. Age does play a role in terms of the manifestation of this disease and some people only develop this condition as adults.
If you have Celiac Disease and you consume gluten, your immune system will start to attack the small intestine. This causes damage to the lining of the small intestine. The vili that line the small intestine are finger-like structures and they absorb nutrients. If they are damaged, they cannot do their job and this has an overall effect on your nutrition.
How is it treated?
There is no actual cure for Celiac Disease. It is passed down genetically and there are also other, similar diseases like non-Celiac gluten sensitivity. The good news is that the right diet can help you manage this disease and enjoy a symptom-free life.
Gluten-free gifts
Gluten can be found in a number of products and even products that you wouldn’t dream of! The good news is that there are special gluten-free products on the market as well as gluten-free gift hampers. When shopping for a gift for somebody on a gluten-free diet, you can choose one of these hampers. Alternatively, you could always send a pamper hamper if you want to play it super safe.