Cheese is delicious and nutritious. The cheese ranges from regular cheddar to the finest gourmet types. Cheese can be used in salads, dips, and even on crackers or sandwiches. Cheese is often paired with wine which is why you may have noticed how popular cheese and wine hampers have become over the years. Of course, not all foods go well with cheese. Here are some cheese pairing options to avoid.



Cheese can also be paired with different types of fruit but you must always pay attention to the combinations. You don’t want the fruit or cheese to be overpowered in any way. The flavours should complement each other and not compete for the attention of your taste buds. Fruit and cheese pairing ideas usually depend on the type of cheese. For instance, cheddar tastes great with apple or grapes.


Spicy food

Spicy foods should be avoided when serving cheese. Avoid heavily seasoned meats, strong types of pepper, mustard, chutney, and anything that has a hint of heat. Spicy food and cheese pairing will result in the cheese going unnoticed.



While you might think that bread is the safest food and cheese pairing, this is not always the case. Bread that has an onion or garlic flavour (including crackers) should not be served with cheese. You may be able to get away with some types of cheese, but not all. You also don’t want to have garlic breath when you socialize.


Cooked versus raw

Broccoli and cauliflower are delicious with a creamy cheese sauce and as a soup they are an even better combination. However, when you serve them raw with cheese on a plate, it simply doesn’t do the cheese justice. The same can be said for carrots and celery. Salads are where you might make an exception here and there, but dishes have stricter rules.


Avoid curdling

Pears, apples, grapes, figs and walnuts are delicious with cheese. Avoid citrus and cheese pairing, however. When you mix this fruit and cheese in your mouth, you can feel it starting to curdle, which is not pleasant at all.


Wines must also be chosen carefully when pairing them with cheeses. There is no single rule in this regard. The type of wine you choose will depend on the cheese you serve. Some cheeses have a mild flavour while others are not so mild. If you search online for cheese and wine baskets, you will notice how each type of cheese is specifically paired with a special bottle. Rest assured, when you buy such a basket, the two will match perfectly. So, this takes the guesswork out of cheese pairing.