Just as we choose different types of food based on the weather, we also choose different types of wine based on the season. While some types of wine are refreshing for the summer months, others are more suited to cold weather conditions. Here are some of the best wines for the autumn season.


Medium-bodied wines

Wines like your Sauvignon Blanc, Sparkling Rose, and Pale Rosés are the best wines for the warmer months that have just passed. Instead, in the autumn, it’s time to crack open a bottle of oaky Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, or even a richer bottle of champagne. A combination of soft reds can also work well for your autumn palette because it’s not too light or heavy. These medium bottles are often the best wines for this time of year.


Sparkling options

You may also find that you prefer sparkling wines during the day, while lighter ones are best at dinner. You may not be ready to enjoy a sparkling wine, but there’s nothing like a good glass of wine to warm you up as the evening heat begins to drop.


Food pairing

Remember that when you taste these wines, it is important to note that autumn wine pairing is essential too. Sometimes, the food you crave just doesn’t complement the bottle you have on hand. So think again about what kind of food you want to enjoy or serve to your guests.


Although refreshing drinks may need to be put away for the next few months, remember that many of them can still be used in the kitchen. So if you have a lot of summer drinks that you haven’t been able to finish, it’s a good idea to put them to good use before they go to waste. Wine lovers will agree that there is no shame like wasting good wine! You can cook with white wine, red wine and even champagne. If you’re not sure what foods call for the wine(s) you have on hand, do a recipe search online and you’ll be spoiled for choice!