When you order a gift basket for someone, chances are you’ll be presented with a number of options including a special bottle or two of wine. The question many people have is what kind of wine to send. Just as you may know the recipient, you may not know their wine preference. The good news is that you can still find the perfect bottle based on your knowledge of the recipient. Wine is often best purchased based on a person’s taste and the type of food they enjoy. Whether they prefer white wine, red or bubbly, there’s something for everyone.


Proper pairing

It’s no secret that you can’t pair any wine with any food. Some wines have a very delicate and light flavour, while others are extremely bold. If you drink a flavourful wine with light meat, for example, you won’t be able to fully appreciate the true flavour of your food. White wine pairs with some types of food while red pairs with different meals.


Dry, light white bottles

This type of white wine includes Alberino, Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Gris. When paired with food, they’re best enjoyed with green veggies, roasted veggies, carbs, and fish, apart from rich fish such as lobster.


Sweeter wines

Popular sweet wines include Reisling, Chenin Blanc and Moscato. Due to its sweeter flavour, it is best enjoyed with soft cheeses, carbohydrates, smoked or aged salami and desserts.


Intense flavours

Examples of rich white wine include Chardonnays and Oaked Whites. They are best served with roasted carbohydrates, vegetables, rich fish (like lobster), and white meats.


Sparkling varieties

Sparkling wines come in various forms and are often enjoyed during a celebration such as a wedding, birthday, anniversary, etc. Green vegetables, soft and hard cheeses, carbohydrates, and fish (apart from rich seafood like lobster) are perfect to pair with a glass of bubbly.


When choosing red or white wine, you also have to remember that foods like Brussels sprouts, asparagus, green beans, and chocolate are extremely difficult to pair with any type of wine. That said, if you see a nice basket that includes wine and chocolate, it doesn’t mean the recipient should consume them together, and based on the information you know about the best foods for each type of wine, you can even give the recipient advice if you like.