If you have an old wicker basket that you no longer use, you should consider refurbishing it. As daunting as this process might sound, it is fairly simple once you have all the right supplies and follow the steps below.

What you need:

  • Wicker basket

  • Wood stain if your basket is naturally light in colour. A medium wood stain is good but you should avoid red tones.

  • Acrylic paint (choose an almost grey colour)

  • Craft paint

  • Stiff scrubbing brush

  • Stiff paint brushes (stencil brushes of various sizes are good)

  • Paper towels

  • Cheap paint brushes

  • Water


  • If your wicker basket is a light colour, you might want to stain the wood before you begin. Darker-coloured baskets will not require this step.

  • When applying the wood stain, make sure you use a cheap brush since you will end up discarding it once you are done. Even if you don’t discard it, the brush will be stained in the process.

  • Once the stain is dry, you can colour-wash the basket.

  • Use a stiff brush to apply acrylic paint over the whole surface.

  • Use a smaller brush to coat all of the areas that are difficult to reach.

  • Allow the paint to dry completely before you proceed.

  • Once dry, use the scrubbing brush with a lot of pressure to brush the entire surface of the basket in horizontal strokes. This will help any grooves really stand out.

  • Mix the craft paint with 50% water before applying to the entire surface of the basket.

  • Gently wipe the basket dry with some paper towels to remove any excess colour.

  • Run a dry paint brush over the surface. This will leave some beautiful marks behind.

  • Allow to dry completely before using your freshly refurbished basket.

There are many different ways in which you can put this wicker basket to use. It will depend on the size and shape of the basket as well as your personal needs. If the basket is still in great condition, you could use it to hold a gift for a friend or loved one. You could also use it for extra storage in your home.