If you want to present your Valentine with their gift first thing in the morning or even if you want to make sure that it doesn’t arrive when you are not home. For this reason, you might want to arrange for the delivery to take place the day before and hide the gift away until the following day. Before you do, make sure that you follow these tips to store hampers safely.

In warmer climates

If you live in the southern hemisphere, you will know that this is a particularly warm time of year. For this reason, you want to make sure that you do not store hampers in direct sunlight or in particularly warm areas of your home. Not only can the sun cause foods like chocolates to melt, but it can also cause condensation inside the hamper. Once the sun sets, temperatures will lower and this can result in water droplets forming inside the packaging which can negatively affect its contents.

Colder conditions

For those living up north, the weather is the complete opposite. However, this does not mean that you can store hampers anywhere. You should be careful not to place them near sources of heat and you should avoid keeping them in cold areas overnight.

Avoid the garage

While the garage might sound like a good idea, this is not the ideal spot to store hampers. Overnight it can get very cold here which is something you want to avoid. Instead, you should look for a safe spot under your bed or in a cupboard that your partner does not usually open.

If you have no place to store hampers at home, you could always look for a safe spot to keep it at work if you prefer. This is a good option if you want to present your Valentine with their gift later in the day or that evening.