Just as different types of wine have different flavours and aromas, so too do different types of cheese. Camembert cheese is a delicious treat that can be served with or without a variety of other cheeses. If you are entertaining one or two people, you might like to stick to one type of cheese. Of course, if you are hosting a larger event, variety is key. Once you know the types of cheeses you will serve you can then make your beverage selection.


One of the reasons why so many people enjoy cider is because it is bubbly and sweet but not too sweet. There are many different varieties on the market and some have the most amazing, exotic taste. Apple cider is the most popular and it tastes fabulous with Camembert cheese. This cider is a bit more bitter which highlights the flavours of the cheese.


If you want something a bit stronger to pair with your Camembert cheese, you should consider Pomneau. This beverage pairs very well with soft cheeses. While Camembert has a harder rind, the centre is wonderfully soft and delicious.


If you are in the mood for celebrating, you can pair your Camembert cheese with a bottle of bubbly. Champagne can be a bit more pricey so, if you are on a budget, you can always opt for sparkling wine instead. If you are planning on baking your cheese in the oven, you definitely want to make it even more special with some bubbles.


If you want to avoid the bubbles but still want to enjoy some Camembert cheese with a fine beverage, you could pair it with some Chenin Blanc, Pinot Noir or Merlot. The key is to choose a bottle that has no more than 13% alcohol content or the wine will end up overpowering the flavour of the cheese.

Don’t forget, when serving your Camembert cheese, you should also add some bread or crackers to the plate. If you opt for crackers, make sure that you opt for ones with mild flavour. In other words, you should avoid any cheese-flavoured crackers or anything with a strong taste that could overpower the wine or cheese flavours.