The weather is getting cooler with summer just finishing up and it’s time to think about all the best, and most delicious, ways to stay warm. If you enjoy hot chocolate but you feel like it’s not quite as exciting as it was when you were a child, here are some scrumptious ways of sprucing up your next cup.


Coffee and hot chocolate really do work well together. If you enjoy both of these beverages, you could very well enjoy them even more when combined. All you need to do is add half the quantity of each to your cup and you will have the perfect blend. If you prefer one flavour over the other, add more of that one and less of the other.

Add syrup

Just like coffee, you can add flavoured syrup to your hot chocolate if you want more of a caramel or vanilla twist. Other popular flavours include almond, cinnamon, coconut and hazelnut.

Spice it up

If you are a fan of spices, you will love how they can transform your next mug of hot chocolate. If you have a bit of a cold of your nose feels stuffy, add a bit of chilli or cayenne pepper to your cup and feel the wonderful decongestant effects.

Refreshing mint

Mint and chocolate make an amazing combination. Just take care not to add too much mint or it can overpower the chocolate flavour.

Truffle delight

You don’t only need to add liquids or powders to your hot chocolate. You can add some truffles too! Just one truffle left to melt in your drink will make it creamy and scrumptious.

These are some wonderful and delicious ways of making your hot chocolate even more appealing. When you find your favourites, you can share them with your friends and family to see which ones they enjoy the most.