If you are a whisky-drinker, you will be really happy to know that your favourite beverage also has a number of benefits other than its flavour. The next time you sit back and sip on a glass, keep these whisky health benefits in mind.

Low cholesterol beverage

One of the main whisky health benefits is the fact that this beverage is low in cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates and saturated fat. If you are on a low cholesterol diet, you can enjoy whisky without worrying about increasing your cholesterol levels.

Don’t wreck your diet

As briefly mentioned above, whisky is great if you want to enjoy a drink without worrying about ruining your diet. One of the main problems with most types of alcohol is their carbohydrate content. This is because carbs turn into sugar and then energy. Any energy that is not used turns into fat. Since whisky is low in carbohydrates, you don’t have to worry about this chain reaction.

Lower risk of dementia

Whisky contains a substance called ellagic acid. When consumed in moderation, this substance helps lower the risk of developing dementia, Alzheimer’s and similar disorders. This substance helps fight the free radicals that cause problems with neural pathways. Of course, it needs to be reiterated that moderation is essential. This whisky health benefit may make you want to drink more than usual but you will not enjoy greater benefits by overdoing it. In fact, you can cause more harm than good to the rest of your body.

Heart health

According to studies, people who drank moderate amounts of whisky on a regular basis were 50% less likely to suffer from a stroke or heart attack. As mentioned above, whisky helps control cholesterol levels which is strongly connected with heart health so it all ties together. Whisky will also help thin your blood which makes it difficult for clots to form – hence the lower risk of stroke.

Prevent cancer

With so many things in our lives that can cause cancer, it’s wonderful to have something to help fight it. Again, ellagic acid is to thank for this. Cancer is often caused by the build up of various toxins so, by helping your body eliminate them, you are giving it a fantastic fighting chance.


If you have cut yourself and you don’t have any kind of wound disinfectant handy, simply grab that bottle of whisky. Pour some in a glass and then use gauze or cotton wool to apply it to the wound. Not only will this help you gently clean out any dirt or debris, but it also disinfects the wound itself.

Insulin production regulation

Insulin levels need to be properly regulated or it can result in such health concerns as diabetes. One of the most interesting whisky health benefits is the fact that it helps regulate insulin production which lowers your risk of developing diabetes by up to 40%.

As mentioned several times above, these whisky health benefits are fantastic. However, they will not amount to much, if anything, should the drinker overdo it. Moderation is essential with all types of alcohol or you may experience liver damage and other complications.