When you think of beer, you usually imagine an alcoholic beverage. However, non-alcoholic beer has been around for more than 100 years and, these days, it has become especially popular. Not only do people enjoy non-alcoholic varieties if they are the designated driver, but those who do not consume alcohol can still enjoy a cold one without feeling guilty!

First brewed

The first time non-alcoholic beer was brewed was way back in 1919 in the United States. It was mostly due to prohibition when alcoholic beverages were not permitted to be stronger than 0.5%. Even after prohibition was over, this new type of beer remained in production and it has proven popular around the world.

Similar process

Now for the brewing process. How is non-alcoholic beer made? Well, it’s pretty much like regular beer. There are just a few significant differences. Firstly, the mash is made, the wort is boild and hops are added. The brew is then fermented. After which, the alcohol content needs to be removed. This can be done in one of two ways.

Alcohol removal

The most common method of alcohol removal involves heating. Alcohol has a lower boiling point than water which means that alcohol will leave the beer before the beer actually boils. By heating it to just the right temperature, the alcohol is released but this can affect the flavour. For this reason, many beer makers now choose the vacuum distillation method. This helps lower the point at which the alcohol boils which means that it does not need to reach as high a temperature. This helps preserve the flavour of the beer.

Alternative method

Another way in which non-alcoholic beer can be made is by allowing the beer to pass through a filter with tiny pores. Only water and alcohol make their way through the pores. The alcohol is then distilled out of this mixture through the regular distillation process. The remaining syrup-like mixture is added to the alcohol-free product of the distillation process and the beer then needs to be carbonated since it will be flat. CO2 is added during the bottling process to give this beer its bubbles back.

There you have it! All the ways in which alcohol-free beer can be made! Different breweries use different methods which is why you will notice a change in flavour depending on the type of beer you try. It’s worth trying a few options before choosing your favourite.