If you have ever tried to melt chocolate only to have it seize, you will know just how frustrating this process can be. There are a few reasons why chocolate can behave in this way when melted. By having a clear understanding of potential problems, you too can enjoy chocolate melting success. Here’s what you need to know.

The right chocolate

The first tip to remember when you melt chocolate is to make sure that you choose the right chocolate. White chocolate is more likely to dry out and turn crumbly than milk or dark chocolate. You should also take the time to chop your chocolate into small pieces. This will help the chocolate melt faster and more evenly.

Keep water out

One of the most common reasons for chocolate seizing is because it comes into contact with water. Even a single drop can ruin your chocolate. If you have kept your chocolate in the fridge, make sure that you allow it to reach room temperature before you melt it. If not, condensation can form during the melting process and this can result in seizing.

Correcting mistakes

If you do happen to spill a drop of water in your chocolate, don’t give up hope just yet. You can try adding some oil to your mixture. Mix and melt the chocolate over a low heat. This can also help you save your chocolate if you have accidentally overheated it. When you melt chocolate and you notice that it starts to dry out, it could be too hot. Oil can help you give it back that smooth texture.

Melting methods

Now that you know what to be careful of when you melt chocolate, it’s time to decide how you will proceed. There are three ways in which chocolate can be melted. You will find some simple steps and tips below.

Stove top

  • Start by choosing two pots. One will need to hold water and the other is where you will melt chocolate. The chocolate pot needs to be slightly smaller than the water pot.
  • Don’t add too much water to the water pot. Only enough so that it will come in contact with the bottom of the chocolate pot.
  • Now place your pots on the stove over a medium heat. As the water in the lower pot warms up, it will heat the top pot slowly and evenly.
  • Stir the chocolate as it melts because this will help speed up the process.
  • When using this method, you might find it easier to melt smaller batches at a time instead of a large batch.
  • Make sure not to cover your pots with any kind of lid. Condensation will form and it will cause your chocolate to seize.


  • Break up your chocolate into small pieces and place in a microwave safe dish.
  • You can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil for each cup of chocolate.
  • Like the stove method, melt chocolate in small batches rather than all of it at once.
  • Heat the chocolate for 30 seconds.
  • Stir and heat again for 30 seconds. Repeat this process until the chocolate is completely melted.
  • If there are just a few small lumps of solid chocolate, do not heat it again. Instead, you can simply stir until they dissolve.


  • Place your chocolate in an oven safe dish and spread them out evenly.
  • Heat the oven on the lowest temperature possible.
  • Place the dish inside the oven.
  • Do not leave unattended! You want to keep a close eye on your chocolate as it melts.
  • If the oven gets too hot, you can open the door slightly to allow some heat to escape.
  • Mix the chocolate frequently to help the melting process along.

These are just a few essential tips that will help you melt chocolate perfectly every time! If you are planning on melting white and dark or milk chocolate and you don’t want too many dishes, you should start with the white chocolate and simply add the milk or dark chocolate to the empty pot and keep on cooking.