If you plan on ordering a gift for somebody in advance and you want to present it in person, you will need to store the hamper correctly to prevent it from spoiling. Here are some essential hamper storage tips to help ensure that your special gift is not ruined.


One of the most important hamper storage tips to keep in mind is to be careful of placing the basket in an area that gets particularly warm or cold. If the hamper gets too warm, it can cause chocolates to melt and other food items to deteriorate. This is why you should not place the hamper near any sources of heat such as a radiator, space heater or fireplace. In terms of colder temperatures, you should avoid placing the basket in a room with no heating whatsoever. Do not store the gift in your garage or even in your car.


Another factor that can affect the quality of a gift basket is humidity. When it comes to hamper storage, you should avoid rooms with higher levels of humidity. Sure, you may not store a gift in your bathroom but you should not forget that your kitchen is also particularly humid. Instead, you should look for a safe spot in a spare room, living room or a similar area with minimal humidity. You can also place a dehumidifier nearby so that they help prevent humidity from affecting the gift basket.


This ties in with humidity. If there is humidity in the air, even in a room that does not have running water, condensation can form inside the hamper. This is exactly why you should make sure that you keep an eye on the gift basket. If possible, open the plastic slightly to allow air to flow freely. This will help prevent condensation from forming on the inside of the plastic wrap.


If you want to order a gift fairly well in advance but you are very worried about hamper storage, you can always opt for non-perishables rather than perishables or at least items with a longer shelf life. Pamper hampers, wine gifts and beer crates are all examples of hampers that are easy to store.

Keep these easy hamper storage tips in mind and you can rest assured that the gift you order will look its best when the time comes to present it to the recipient. Another alternative to consider is to schedule the hamper delivery for a future date or have the gift delivered directly to the recipient on a specific date.