When it comes to birthdays, there are several things we cannot go without. Happy Birthday is the most played song of all time and a party without a birthday cake simply would not be as great a celebration. We all enjoy this popular tradition but there are many people out there who still do not know how this tradition started. While there is no actual documented proof of when we started baking birthday cakes or decorating them with candles, there are several theories.

The first cake

According to many, the first birthday cake was made during the Middle Ages in Germany. Germans were known to celebrate the birthdays of their children with cake and it was known as Kinderfest. The cakes back then were actually more like bread and they later became sweeter. These sweeter versions were known as Geburtstagorten. Years later, in the 17th century, birthday cakes became more elaborate. Icing, layers and decorations made them even more appealing to the eye and taste buds. Of course, they were costly and only the upper class could afford such cakes. Baking utensils and ingredients became more accessible in the 18th century. This meant that the price of the finished product dropped enough for everyone to be able to afford it. This resulted in an increase in cake sales.

Adding candles

There are several theories with regards to birthday cake candles. One such theory is that the Greeks started this many years ago. It is said that, in Ancient Greece, the Greeks made round cakes in honour of Artemis (the goddess of the moon). The candles were lit and the cake represented the glowing moon. The smoke from the candles was believed to carry their wishes and prayers to the gods. Another popular belief is that birthday candles started in Germany where it was placed on the cake as a symbol of the light of life.

Today, when we present a birthday cake to a friend or loved one, we usually do so with the candles lit and while singing Happy Birthday. The number of candles on the cake usually represent their age. Of course, today, we can also use candles that are number-shaped to represent their age. The birthday boy or girl will usually wait until the singing is done before they make a wish and blow out their candles. This wish must be kept a secret or it will not come true.