Whether you want to choose a delicious beverage for yourself or you are looking for just the right gift, it’s good to remember the benefits of coffee and tea. Here are some important differences to consider when comparing coffee versus tea,


Antioxidants help protect you against the damage of free radicals. In turn, this helps prevent certain chronic diseases from developing. When considering coffee versus tea, it’s good to note that they both have antioxidant properties. You will find thearubigins, catechins and theaflavins in black tea while flavonois and chlorogenic acid are in coffee. Black tea can have a protective effect against certain types of cancer while coffee can help prevent other forms of cancer. Black tea and coffee can both help lower the risk of stroke.

Energy booster

Many people associate coffee with staying awake. This is because of the caffeine it contains. Dopamine levels are increased and this blocks adenosine which is why it helps increase alertness and reduces fatigue. Dopamine increases the heart rate and it plays a role in the reward system in the brain. Adenosine is the hormone responsible for that sleepy feeling. By blocking the production of this hormone, it will help you feel more alert and awake. Tea is lower in caffeine but rich in L-theanine. This antioxidant stimulates the brain and it also has anti-stress properties. Tea will help you feel more alert but also mentally relaxed. In this category of coffee versus tea, preference will determine the winner.

Weight loss

Weight loss is another popular topic when discussing the two. Coffee is associated with weight loss because of its high caffeine content. It can help you burn more calories and it can maintain the calorie burning effect for up to three hours. Coffee is also associated with fat burning and the prevention of fat cell production. The polyphenols in tea can also help with weight loss. They can help with fat metabolism and lower blood lipid concentrations.

As you can see, there are benefits of both beverages. When weighing up your options of coffee versus tea, it comes down to your personal goals and preferences. No matter which beverage you choose, remember to only enjoy these drinks during the earlier part of the day. If you drink any caffeine later in the day, it can seriously affect your sleep patterns.