We often hear people talk about including at least five fruit and vegetables in our daily diets as well as adequate water consumption. What you don’t always hear about are the benefits of chocolate and why you should include this delicious treat in your diet on a regular basis. Remember, it is not just any type of chocs that you should be consuming. Dark chocolate is preferred while white chocolate should be avoided or consumed only in very small amounts. Here are some of the top health benefits of dark chocolate.

Nutritional value

Chocolate contains plenty of nutrients. Dark varieties with 70 – 85% cocoa are rich in fiber, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium and potassium. Of course, it’s worth mentioning that moderation is also important and you should not consume an entire slab in a single day.

Blood pressure

Dark chocolate contains flavanols that help stimulate the lining of the arteries. This causes them to produce nitric oxide which signals the arteries to relax. By lowering the resistance to blood flow, blood pressure is reduced.

Brain function

Some studies have hinted at a connection between dark chocolate and higher brain function. This is largely related to the way that the flavanols improve blood flow to the entire body – including the brain. Better blood flow assists in cognitive function and, therefore, you can expect clearer thinking.


While cholesterol is a complex topic, studies show that keeping HDL levels high and LDL low, this can promote overall health. Dark chocolate, according to tests, helps raise HDL levels while lowering total LDL. Again, it’s important to remember moderation! By controlling cholesterol levels, you are also doing your heart a favour.

So, the next time you want to spoil somebody with a gift, consider sending chocs! While the darker varieties are best, they can still enjoy other types in between. It’s a fantastic comfort food that your friend or loved one will certainly appreciate.