Deciding on a menu for Easter is not always easy. While we all have our favourite traditional dishes, but there is no rule against getting creative with Easter food. Here are some great ideas for you to try this year.

Egg bunnies

All you need is some boiled eggs, cheddar cheese, peppercorns and chives. Cut your egg in half and rest it flat on a dish. Cut two long cheese triangles to use as ears. Insert peppercorns for eyes and chives for whiskers.

Hatching chicks

Boil eggs and cut them in half. Cut them across the middle so that you have a top and bottom to place in an egg holder. When you make the cut, you should make a zigzag cut. Remove the yolk and mix it up with some mustard, mayonnaise and whatever condiments you like. Place the egg yolk filling back in the egg. It’s supposed to be higher than the egg white base so don’t worry about not fitting it all inside. Add a piece of red or orange pepper (cut into a triangle) as the beak. Place the top of the egg on top. Now add to olive slices for eyes. This delicious Easter food will surely make your loved ones smile.

Decorating cookies, cupcakes and muffins

Whether you want to make biscuits, muffins or cupcakes, you can decorate them all with mini Easter eggs. To secure them to any kind of baked goods, you can use a stiff icing sugar made from egg whites and powdered sugar. For cupcakes, you don’t necessarily have to do this because you can set the eggs in the icing sugar that you use to decorate them. After enjoying enough savoury Easter food, you can be sure that

There you have it, several excellent Easter food ideas. Remember to include a variety of fresh fruit on your table too. You want to make sure that everyone gets plenty of nutrients during a time when we often overindulge in the sweeter things in life.