When you are looking for Mother’s Day recipes that your children can help you make, you’ll be happy to know that there are plenty of excellent options. Here are some simple recipes that they can do all on their own or at least help with. Remember to allow them only enough responsibility that they can handle according to their age and abilities.
While you make mum some delicious bacon, eggs, sausage and all the trimmings, you can have your children prepare some toast and place jam and butter on separate small bowls. Once everything is ready, you can place her special meal on a tray. This is one of the safest Mother’s Day recipes you will come across.
You might not be able to allow your children to do any of the cooking. However, they can take part in the measuring and mixing part of Mother’s Day recipes. Older children can use a ladle to pour the mixture into the pan, under supervision of course. You can teach them how to flip pancakes too. However, you might want to stick to using a spatula rather than tossing it in the air.
Similar to pancakes, this is one of the best safe Mother’s Day recipes. You can let the kids mix the ingredients and pour them into lined cupcake baking trays. You will need to preheat the oven and bake the cupcakes. Once done, you can remove them and allow them to cool before letting the kids help decorate them.
Biscuits are great Mother’s Day recipes because you can choose the one or more than one type of biscuit that she will love. Children can help from start to finish. You may have to place them in the oven and remove them to prevent and risk of burns. The rest, however, they can certainly help out with.
If you would prefer Mother’s Day recipes that don’t require heat, you can have your kids use cookie cutters to cut fruit into different shapes like flowers and hearts. Make sure that you help them by slicing the fruit into large pieces and remove the peels. Let your children press metal or otherwise strong cookie cutters into the fruit to make the shapes. Arrange them on a plate as part of mum’s special breakfast.
These are some of the best Mother’s Day recipes that are safe for children to prepare. Remember, they do not have to do all of the cooking. Just lending a hand and helping with the clean up is all they need to feel included.
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